Tokfrench method shortens the learning curve of learning French by up to 79%.
That’s because it is based on the most recent findings in brain research about cognition, combined with the most advanced technologies in learning, like Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Initially, we were aiming to make you know French as fast as Neo came to know Kong Fu. Do you remember that scene?

Neo, Keanu Reeves’s character in the 1999 film “The Matrix”, utters one of the most memorable lines in the movie: “I know kung fu”.
He says this line after a futuristic computer connected to his head has finished “downloading” the martial art directly to his brain in just a few seconds.
If only it were that easy, right?
Well, actually, it wasn’t that easy because after that scene in the movie (here’s a reminder), Neo had to continue learning by going through lengthy Kong Fu exercises with Morpheus.
So if you take it all together, our unique method makes you speak French as fast as Neo came to know Kong Fu.
You’re welcome.
This is true because Tokfrench lessons already have the learning and the practising together in one place. Done in the most efficient way there is today.
92% of our students become conversational in French faster than with any other option of learning French.
It happens because the way we teach you French is backed by the most advanced scientific research about learning a new language and the latest discoveries about cognition.
Let’s explore some key elements in our method.